Monday, October 26, 2009

Javanese Warungs.

I ate at another roadside warung again. This would be my 2nd time eating at these kinds of places because the food there is just.... unhealthy. It's either fried or stir fried.

Since I was alone this time, I am not shy about taking pictures of my surroundings and food.

Location: Ring Road Utara, near the junction of Jalan Kaliurang KM 5,8 and Ring Road Utara and near the Kentungan Transjogja Halte
Time: 6pm

So, here's how my surroundings looked like:


Ya, that's the kitchen where that guy is preparing the food.


And the cars were zooming by the warung.

My food came!
I ordered fried chicken (on hindsight, I should have ordered roasted chicken - oh well) and omelette with rice.


The finger bowl comes with just water. A plate of greenies would be provided. Notice that I had some leaves in the finger bowl. The green leaves are from the greenies plate and they smell like mint with oil-repelling properties. They are edible, but I don't like the taste of it. So, I put them in the finger bowl (as taught by my Javanese friend) to wash my hands with.

Steps to eat, Javanese warung style:
1). Wash right hand in water bowl (forget about using your left hand - it's RUDE. I use my left hand to hold the plate, that's all). Water bowl can be with or without leaves.
2). Tear off a piece of chicken/egg/whatever using the 4 fingers and thumb of your right hand. Wave your food morsel in the gravy thoroughly (found on a separate plate or under the food).
3). Pop food in your mouth. Do not chew yet.
4). Line the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and last fingers of your right hand together so they form a kind of shovel. Ladle up some rice with those fingers and pat the rice down with your thumb so the rice is formed into a small, neat lump. Be realistic. Don't ladle too much rice or you'll have too much to handle.
5). Bring your hand to your mouth and (using your thumb) push the lump of rice in.
6). Chew and repeat from step 2.
7). When you are full, wash your right hand in the finger bowl. Make sure to get rid of the oil on your fingers.
8). Ask for bill. (rice, omelette, lime drink and fried chicken came up to Rp12.000)

When I got there, the Javanese guy manning the stall was saying everything in Bahasa Indonesia, complete with hand signals. For example, he said, "Minum?" complete with hand signs, when asking me if I wanted a drink. My Bahasa Indonesia may be merely passable (I speak slowly, though), but I do understand street language. And miming the word 'drink' for my benefit is just .... *sigh*.

And throughout the time I was there, I was stared and whispered about.
I was only there for dinner, for goodness sake.
Ah, well. I'm an outsider here.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, its kinda funny to find a foreigner with this blog called sepertiga-dikali-tiga...,
    are u guys studying at UGM ?
