We're a group of 3 girls who are going to spend 5-6 months in Yogyakarta, Indonesia as part of our degree course from the Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FASS) in National University of Singapore (NUS). We are going into our 3rd year of study at Southeast Asian Studies and we all speak Bahasa Indonesia to varying success (sukses!) My language abilities are the worst of the lot, and Shalina takes the cake among us.
I'm 24 and I haven't lived outside Singapore for more than a month, although I have spent 1 week per month in Cambodia for work. Therefore, I'm feeling apprehensive about the whole experience. Of course I am excited, but at the same time, a bit worried because I just had a major operation in mid-May (and avoided cancer at the same time). I'm pretty delicate at the moment (no running after the bus or surfing for me) but I'm sure I'll be okay to travel in August. (the doctors promised me so! but still no extreme sports. BOO.)
As mentioned above, my Bahasa Indonesia is at best, passable. I hope to be able to improve my language skills drastically while I'm over there. Also, I have to get used to thinking in Indonesian rupiah (all THOSE ZEROS!) while bargaining in Bahasa Indonesia. I think I'll have to reduce shopping trips during the first few weeks of my exchange semester. BUT OMG. THE BATIK!
1). Visa at the Indonesian embassy - S$75 for 2 months
2). the 2 ISM study agreements
3). TF-Learn application forms (if you're of ASEAN descent) - S$4250!! who doesn't want MONEH?
4). SEAsian Studies department consent form for exchange
5). Air tickets. (For me, I bought AirAsia tickets as they flew straight to Yogyakarta and they were on sale in February/March)
6). language mapping form to be submitted to CLS
It's better to start early and finish dealing with them (so everything can be done at a grandmother/grandfather's pace) than to rush everything a week before departure.
Hmm. Have I forgotten anything? (Fengyi and Shalina, please add on! I'm getting older and might have missed out stuff.)
Oh yes, there's also the vaccines to think about. I got 4 at one go, then I realised I took one of them in vain - I got a tetenus(sp? not from medical school!) shot in February and I got another in early June. -_- It's better to bring medical records (like what Fengyi did!) and remember your recent vaccinations so you don't have to get shot in vain! (Vain=Pain?)
Fengyi and I got them at TTSH Travellers' Clinic about 2 weeks ago. Bring about S$150 in case and expect to spend a lot less.
I guess that's all for pre-departure (for now). Now I have to go to campus to meet Prof. Miksic regarding one of my ISMs. -_-